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Here’s How You Can Increase Battery Life

Inverter Manufacturers In Chennai Talk The Talk

There is one universal question that every inverter seller and manufacturer get asked time and again. How can the life of an inverter be increased? The answer to the question is not straightforward because the lifespan is dependent on a plethora of elements such as:

  • Quality of battery purchased
  • Charging of the inverter
  • Maintenance of the battery

Moreover, it depends upon the battery’s size, manufacturing, working temperature, energy consumption and age. Out of all, how the inverter is treated is most crucial to increasing the life of it.

This post describes some tips and advice as given by the leading inverter manufacturers in Chennai on augmenting the span of a battery. We understand that a consumer has numerous choices when it comes to buying a battery. Therefore, use the advice and knowledge given here to make an informed choice that turns your life easier.

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Inverter Battery Service: Don’t Opt For The Cheaper Choice

The biggest mistake most people make while purchasing a battery is to opt for a local and cheaper choice. While inverters made by a local manufacturer or refurbished by them will not weigh on the pocket in the short term, over a period of time, they cost more. Combing a branded inverter set with a cheap battery is the worst decision you can make because it reduces life drastically.

The lower quality of a local battery ruins the entire inverter which leads to lesser power and decreases working age. Besides skimping on the battery, the other factor which can significantly impact the life of an inverter is how well it is kept. Therefore, we now move on to some tips for maintaining it.

Inverter Battery Dealers In Chennai: Treat It Well

The notable inverter battery Chennai service providers recommend following these best practice tips to maintaining battery:

  • Never overcharge the battery neither under charge it. Furthermore, the speed of charging shouldn’t be too high. The smartest option is to read the printed instructions that come with the inverter and follow them diligently. If you have questions, then call the service provider.
  • The battery has to be well-ventilated and always kept out of sunlight.
  • If the battery gets damaged to any reason, do not operate it.
  • If you under-charge the battery, the rate of sulphation upsurges which negatively impacts the battery life.
  • If you have to store a battery, then do it when it is fully charged.
  • It is best not to charge the battery when it is under load.
  • After an inverter is charged, it may feel warm to the touch but should not be very hot. If the temperature is too high, contact a service provider.

A last few pieces of advice to make certain that your battery works correctly when the main electricity supply fails is to switch out old appliances. Gadgets that have aged draw in more power while new devices are energy efficient. Replacing them will keep your inverter battery running longer by utilising less power.


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